Breathing through your nose benefits:
- Humidifier the air
- Filters the air
- Warms the air
Breathing through nose is:
- harder than breathing through mouth
- pressures the air => lungs get more oxygen (20% more through nose versus through mouth) because:
- how long it takes
- pressure
- significant release of nitric oxide which is into the sinus (Nasally derived NO has been shown to increase arterial oxygen tension and reduce pulmonary vascular resistance, thereby acting as an airborne messenger.)
- filterthe air
- humidify the air
Breathing through the mouth negative effects:
- susceptible to respiratory illness- denied yourself more oxygen
- change the shape of your face -long face
- eventually crooked teeth
- smaller air ways
3 negative facts of breathing :
1. Breathing too much -> Breathe less
2. Quick breathing-> Breathe slow
3. Over breathing -> Breathe always at your metabolic needs
Slow with large volume of air = you are breathing at your metabolic rate.
Decrease breathing = hypoventilation training which mimics the effect of high altitude training = release EPO => building more red cells.
Never work harder than you can breathe correctly. 50% of air inhalant is not used. Slow and deep breathe, increases 35% efficiency. Increase Carbon Dioxide in blood increases the oxygen levels.
Performance: 6 breathes per minute
Correct breathing:
1. Breathe through your nose
2. Breathe slowly
3. Breathe less
4. Excel fully
In order to put more air in, you need to pull out the old air.
Simple breathing technique:
- count 5-6 breathe in
- relax
- count same number of breathe out
- to relax more, extend breathe out
Positive effects:
- hart rate
- mind
- whole body
Box breathing technique:4 inhale, hold 4, exhale 4, hold 4
Negative factors for wrong ways of breathing:
Anatomical -
Working in office -> setting on chair
Muscle softening because of soft food.
Improvement through Oral Faringo Exercises.
Breathe through one nostril:
Obstruct the right nostril and breathe through left nostril:
- lower the blood pressure
- stimulate creativity
Obstructing the left nostril and breathing through right nostril has the opposite effect:
- stimulate you
- blood pressure goes up
This technique to breathe through one nostril is happening naturally in our breathing. Does exist an rectal tissue in your nose which will open naturally one nostril for half an hour up to 3-4 hours and then will gently close to open naturally the other nostril. This is happening all day long. Sometimes will both nostrils be open and then will start the nose cycle to regulate your body. This cycle affects your physiology and affects your mentally.
Exercise to decongest your nose:
Exhale and than hold your breath by pressing your both nostrils with your fingers. Move your head back and forward, move your head up and down until you fell a significant need to breathe then you calmly inhale through your nose and exhale again. Wait about 45 seconds to a minute and do that same thing all over again.
Through this technique you are increasing carbon dioxide molecules which is a vases dilator which helps to open your nose.
Another way of decongesting your nose is humming.
Anxiety and panic attack or anger will pass by slowing your breathing and increase your carbon dioxide level. 80% of the messages are coming from the body to your brain not from your brain to your body, which means that when your control your breath, you will start shutting messages to calm your brain and control your mood.
Phrenic nerve (spinal nerve which provides exclusive motor control of the diaphragm) with the diaphragm (muscle which stays on top of your lungs that will inflate and deflate your lungs)moves will affect the signals which your brain will get and will affect the way you will be processing things.
Chest breathing occurs throughout the day. It allows you to be alert, to focus.
Light, slow and deep breathing = healthy breathing. Breathe to your metabolic capacity.
Around age of 30 to 50 years old your lungs will lose 50% of their capacity because of the ribs which become less flexible and the carcass becomes less flexible. After 50 years old this damage is more expensive. Reverse the damage with yoga exercise: the arm flexed above your head and breathe through that lung and be flexible, after that turn on the other side.
Average man lungs capacity = 6 litres
When we talk we usually breathe through our mouth. It is a healthy habit to breathe through our nose while listen at least.
How we breathe affects inflammation into our body.
Humming increase nitric oxide production: 6 seconds exhale humming, then 6 seconds inhale, all these while breathing through your nose.
Diaphragm breathing exercise: which your hands on your hips, inhale with your nose and you want your hands moving outward loudly, not forward. Breathe that way calmly and you will allow your diaphragm to go down and gently push outwards. That is a healthy breathing. Do not use your stomach muscle to breathe.