Cognitive Schema questionnaire

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How to use this questionnaire:

In this questionnaire you will find affirmations that you will use them to describe yourself. Read each affirmation and choose the best answer that define you based on last year. Choose your answer based on your emotional feelings and not based on logic and what you think is correct answer.

1. Read carefully the How to use this questionnaire section.
2. Choose for each affirmation one of the answers below, between 1 to 6, which one fits you best.
3. Write down the question number with the corresponding answers 1 to 6.
4. Compute the total by summarize all the answers.
5. Compare your score with the corresponding threshold. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.
6. Acknowledging the problem you can find how to fix it. Professional help may need it.

Possible answers:

The below questionnaire contains statements used by a person to describe her/himself. Please read each statement carefully and decide how well it describes you. When you are not sure, answer according to what you feel, and not according to what you think is true.

Each statement of these questionnaire has 6 possible answers from 1 to 6.
The answers are (every time in same order for each affirmation):

1. Completely untrue to me
2. Partly untrue to me
3. More true than untrue
4. Mainly true
5. Mostly true about me
6. Describes me perfectly


Emotional Deprivation (ED)

- the others don’t offer us the nurturance, empathy and protection we need.

1. Usually I didn't have someone to take care of me, to share my life with, or to care much about what was happening to me.

25. Usually, people were not by my side to show me warmth, support and love.

49. For a long time in my life I did not feel that I was special to someone.

73. Most of the time I didn't have someone who really listened to me, who understood me or who invested emotionally in me.

96. Rarely I have had a person to advise me or guide me when I didn't know what to do.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Emotional deprivation ED score:
ED threshold: 7on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Abandonment / Instability (AB)

- the feeling that the close ones will not be able to emotionally support us, or to protect us and they will abandon us in favor of someone better.

2. I clung to those close to me because I was afraid they would leave me.

26. I need the others so much that I'm worried I'll lose them.

50. I am afraid that the people I feel close to will leave me or abandon me.

74. I despair when I feel that someone I care about is moving away from me.

97. Sometimes I am so worried that others will leave me that I send them away from me.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Abandonment / instability AB score:
AB threshold: 8 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Mistrust / Abuse (MA)

- the belief that in the end, the others will intentionally hurt, abuse, humiliate, cheat, lie, manipulate, or take advantage on us.

3. I feel that people will take advantage of me.

27. I feel that I must not let my guard down in the presence of others, because otherwise they will intentionally hurt me.

51. It's just a matter of time before someone betrays me.

75. I'm pretty suspicious of others motivations.

98. I am usually vigilant about others motivations.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Mistrust/ abuse MA score:
MA threshold: 11 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective.The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Social isolation / Alienation(SI)

-the sense that someone is different from others and is not part of any group.

4. I can't find my place anywhere.

28. I am fundamentally different from the others.

52. My place is not here; I'm lonely.

76. I feel alienated from other people.

99. I always feel out of the group.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Isolation / alienation SI score:
SI threshold: 8 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Defectiveness / Shame (DS)

- the feeling that one is bad, unwanted, inferior, in important respects; or that one would be unlovable to significant others.

5. No man / woman I know can love me once he / she sees my flaws.

29. None of those I want to be with will be able to stay next to me once they get to really know me.

53. I do not deserve the love, attention and respect of others.

77. I feel like I can't be loved.

100. I have too many unacceptable flaws in many areas to let others know me.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Defectiveness / shame DS score:
DS threshold: 7 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Failure (FA)

- the belief that one has failed and will inevitably fail in areas of achievement, so he is stupid, lower in status, or less successful than others.

9. In most school or work activities I'm not as good as the others.

33. I am incompetent when it comes to achievements.

57. Most others are more capable than me in terms of professional and achievements.

81. I'm not as talented at work as the others.

103. I'm not as smart as others when it comes to school or work.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Failure FA score:
FA threshold: 8 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Dependence / Incompetence (DI)

- belief that one needs considerable help from others to handle one’s everyday responsibilities in a competent manner.

10. I don't feel able to manage on my own in my daily life.

34. I see myself as a dependent person when it comes to everyday life.

58. I am less capable than most people.

82. My judgment cannot be good in all everyday situations.

104. I do not trust my ability to solve all the problems that arise.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Dependence / incompetence DI score:
DI threshold: 8 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Vulnerability to harm or illness (VH)

- exaggerated fear that imminent illnesses, emotional or external catastrophe will strike at any time and that one will be unable to prevent it.

11. I can't get rid of the feeling that something bad is about to happen.

35. I feel that a disaster (natural, chemical, medical or criminal) can happen at any time.

59. I'm afraid I'll be attacked.

83. I'm afraid I'm going to lose all my money and get poor.

105. I'm afraid I have a serious illness, even though the doctor didn't diagnose anything serious for me.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Vulnerability to harm or illness VH score:
VH threshold: 6 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Enmeshment / Undeveloped Self (EM)

- excessive emotional involvement and closeness with one or more significant others (often parents), at the expense of independence and normal social development.

12. I have not been able to separate (walk away) from my parents in the way other people of my age do.

36. My parents and I tend to get involved in each other's lives and problems.

60. It is very difficult for me and my parents to keep intimate secrets from each other without feeling guilty and deceived.

84. I often feel that if my parents live through me, I no longer have a life of my own.

106. I often feel that I do not have a separate identity from my parents or my partner.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Enmeshment / undeveloped self EM score:
EM threshold: 9 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Subjugation (SB)

- suppression of one’s preferences, decisions, desires and suppression of emotional expression, especially anger usually to avoid the abandonment.

13. I think if I do what I feel, I get just in trouble.

37. I feel that I have no choice but to fulfill the wishes of others, otherwise they will reject me.

61. In relationships, I let the other have the last word.

85. I always let others decide for me, so I don't know what I want for myself.

107. It is very difficult for me to ask that to be respected my rights and that to be taken into account my feelings.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Subjugation SB score:
SB threshold: 8 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Self-sacrifice (SS)

- excessive focus on voluntarily meeting the needs of others in daily situations, at the expense of one’s own gratification.

17. I'm the kind of person who usually ends up taking care of those close to me.

41. I am a good person because I think of others more than myself.

65. I am so preoccupied with dealing with the people I care about that I have little time for myself.

89. I've always been the kind of person who listens to the problems of others.

110. Other people know me as doing too much for others and not doing enough for me.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Self sacrifice SS score:
SS threshold: 18 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Emotional inhibition (EI)

- inhibition of anger, inhibition of positive impulses, difficulty expressing vulnerability or communicating freely about one’s feelings, needs and excessive emphasis on rationality while disregarding emotions.

18. I try too hard to express my positive feelings towards others (affection, concern).

42. I find embarrassing to express my feelings in front of others.

66. I find it hard to show warmth and spontaneity.

90. I control myself so much that people think I have no emotions.

111. People see me as emotionally inflexible.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Emotional inhibition EI score:
EI threshold: 10 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Unrelenting Standards / Hyper-criticality (US)

- the belief that one must strive to meet very high internalized standards, usually to avoid criticism. Its forms are the perfectionism, the excessive attention to details, the rigid rules and the “should”.

19. I have to be the best in everything I do: I don't accept being in second place.

43. I always try to do everything I can / everything that depends on me; I'm not satisfied with "almost good".

67. I have to fulfill all my responsibilities.

91. I feel that there is a constant pressure on me to fulfill and achieve different things.

112. I can't apologize for my mistakes.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Unrelenting standards / hyper-criticality US score:
US threshold: 17 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Entitlement / Grandiosity (ET)

- the belief that one is superior to other people, that claim the right to do or have whatever want, regardless of what is realistic, or the cost to others, all this in order to get control and power.

20. I have problems when I have to accept "no" in response, when I want something from others.

44. I am special and I do not have to accept restrictions imposed by others.

68. I hate being constrained or restrained from what I want to do.

92. I feel that I do not have to follow the rules, norms and conventions that others make.

113. I feel that what I have to offer is more valuable than the contributions of others.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Entitlement / grandiosity ET score:
ET threshold: 14 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Insufficient Self-Control / Self-Discipline (IS)

- the difficulty to practice self-control and discipline to achieve one’s personal goals, or to restrain the excessive expression of one’s emotions and impulses, the excessive desire to maintain the comfort and to avoid unpleasant situations.

21. I can't motivate myself to perform boring and routine tasks.

45. If I can't reach a goal, I quickly become frustrated and give up.

69. I do not sacrifice immediate satisfaction to achieve a distant goal.

93. I can't force myself to do things I don't like, even if I know it's for my own good.

114. I was rarely able to rely on my own decisions.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Insufficient self-control / self-discipline IS score:
IS threshold: 12 on a scale from 0 to 30.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Approval-Seeking / Recognition-Seeking (AS)

- excessive emphasis on gaining approval, recognition, attention from other people, the one’s sense of esteem is dependent on the reactions of others.

6. It is important for me to be liked by almost everyone I know.

14. I change depending on the people I am with, so that they like me more.

22. I'm trying to adapt.

30. My self-esteem is mostly based on how others see me.

38. Having money and knowing a lot of "good" people makes me more valuable.

46. I invest a lot of time in the way I look, so that everyone around me can appreciate me.

54. My own achievements are more valuable to me if people notice them.

62. I'm so preoccupied with getting used to it that sometimes I forget who I am.

70. I find it difficult to set my own goals without thinking about how others will react to my choices.

78. When I think about the decisions in my life, I realize that I made most of them with the approval of others.

86. Even if I don't like someone, I still want him / her to like me.

94. When I don't get much attention from others, I feel unimportant.

101. I seek recognition and admiration when I express my opinion at a meeting or gathering.

108. Numerous compliments and rewards make me feel valuable.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Approval-Seeking / Recognition-Seeking AS score:
AS threshold: 35 on a scale from 0 to 84.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Negativity / Pessimism (NP)

– an excessive focus on the negative aspects of life and minimizing or neglecting the positive aspects.

7. Even when things seem to be going well, I think it's only temporary.

15. If something good happens sometimes, I'm afraid something bad will happen.

23. You can't always be careful enough; something bad will always happen.

31. No matter how hard I work, I'm afraid I might run out of money.

39. I'm worried that a wrong decision can lead to disaster.

47. I am often obsessed with minor decisions because the consequences of a mistake can be serious.

55. I feel better pretending that things will not go well for me, so that I don't feel bad if things don't really go well.

63. I focus mainly on negative events and life situations.

71. I tend to be pessimistic.

79. People close to me think I'm too worried.

87. If people get excited about something, I feel uncomfortable and feel the need to warn them that something bad is going to happen.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Negativity / Pessimism NP score:
NP threshold: 21 on a scale from 0 to 66.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.

Punitiveness (PU)

– the belief that people should be punished for making mistakes.

8. If I make a mistake, I deserve to be punished.

16. If I don't do everything that depends on me, I can expect to lose.

24. There is no excuse if I'm wrong.

32. People who do not know their limits should be punished.

40. I generally do not accept the apologies of others. They are not willing to take responsibility and bear the consequences.

48. If I don't do my job, I should suffer the consequences.

56. I often think about the mistakes I make and I am angry with myself.

64. When people do something wrong, I have trouble applying the "forgive and forget" principle.

72. I can't forgive even if the person has apologized.

80. I get upset when I think someone gave up something too quickly.

88. I get annoyed when people apologize and blame others for their problems.

95. It doesn't matter why I'm wrong; when I did something wrong, I have to pay.

102. I blame myself for the things I failed at.

109. I am a bad person who deserves to be punished.

Calculate your score:
1 for Completely untrue to me
2 for Partly untrue to me
3 for More true than untrue
4 for Mainly true
5 for Mostly true about me
6 for Describes me perfectly

Choose for each affirmation the answer (1 to 6) which best fits you.

Interpreting your Punitiveness PU score:
PU threshold: 36 on a scale from 0 to 84.
The score up to threshold inclusive shows normality from psychological perspective. The score over the threshold shows how serious the problem is.


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